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Located in the heart of the Middle east and Europe, Turkey is separated by Anatolia by Black sea, Bosphorus, Marmara, Dardanelles and Aegean Sea. Turkey is a predominately Muslim country with 98% of the population function within a secular constitution. There are around 5 million Arabs residing in Turkey comprising 6% of the country’s entire population
Turkey is one of the largest emerging markets in the world. The country’s geographical location and overall global economic power makes Turkey an attractive place for investors worldwide. It is the 17th largest economy in the world with a nominal GDP of USD 849.48 billion, which is set to be part of the Trillion-dollar Club in 2020. Only 16 countries are in this club.
The country has outstanding infrastructure that makes transport within major cities in Turkey convenient and reliable. With easy access to several airports all year round, your journey home is normally within half an hour in most popular locations.
Turkey’s cost of living makes the country one of the best locations for retirement. The country does not impose inheritance tax and property owners can sell their property after 3 years holding period and still keep their citizenship.
Foreigners who meet any of the following conditions may be eligible for Turkish citizenship, subject to the decision of the President of the Republic of Turkey:
Timeline: 6 – 8 months
Nationalities supported: Open for most nationalities
Visa free travel: Instant visa-free travel to 111 countries, including Japan, South Korea, Singapore and other major countries in Asia, Africa and South America
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
The time estimated to receive the citizenship approval is an indication and would vary for each specific case depending on the Government’s due diligence processing time*
To know more about Turkey’s citizenship and 2nd passport program please contact us or fill up the assessment form in our website and one of our specialists will contact you to discuss your needs.