Assisting immigrants all over the world since 1986

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As a native Canadian living and working here in Dubai, it was made very clear to me that there was a tremendous demand for Canadian and Australian Immigration. I am very privileged having been brought up and born a Canadian Citizen. As a Canadian, I took so much for granted – my human rights, my equal rights, my right to choice, among others. These are gifts a parent should consider for their children whether it be to send them for post-secondary university or simply to immigrate as a family.

Deciding to immigrate to Canada is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. Over the years our firm has assisted more than 10,000 Families obtain Canadian and Australian Immigration (Permanent Resident) Visas and become successfully settled in Canada and Australia.

As the lead Consultant for North American Services Center, I am registered with the governing body of Canada, Immigration Canadian Consultants Regulators Council (ICCRC), to share my expertise in immigration concerns. I invite you to visit their website to see what this means to you as a client. Visit I have lived in Dubai for ten years where NASC’s head office is located and our branch offices are in Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, and Al Ain, UAE. We are enjoying a great success in the GCC region and we are planning to move further into the region of North Africa in the coming years. Kathryn MacDonald is authorized by Citizenship and Immigration Canada to represent you in the Canadian Immigration process. You are protected by the fact that she is a member in good standing of Immigration Consultants Council Regulators Council (ICCRC).